
John Branca Attorney and Success in Entertainment Law


Entertainment law actually involves many aspects of the entertainment industry. It deals with both the talent and production sides of the industry. Types of law that fall within the purview of entertainment law include contract law, non-compete agreements, litigation, labor and employment law and several others. In addition to enveloping various types of law, entertainment law also deals with various forms of entertainment such as music, television and visual arts. Most entertainment lawyers choose to specialize in one aspect of entertainment law. Since entertainment law encompasses so many aspects of the law, there is something for almost any lawyer who is contemplating delving into the profession. Below are a few tips for aspiring lawyers hoping to break into the entertainment law industry.

1. Daily Duties

Some entertainment lawyers spend their days completing a multitude of tasks including negotiating and writing contracts, while others pass much of their time litigating in a courtroom. How any given lawyer spends their days will largely depend upon which aspect of the law they’ve chosen to specialize in.

2. Understand the Industry

The entertainment industry is large and complex, and you’ve got to have a firm grasp of how it works in order to succeed in it. Researching some successful entertainment lawyers, such as John Branca, may help you understand what it takes to excel in the profession.

3. Important Skills

If you’re looking to become an entertainment lawyer, you should begin honing your skills in college. Remember to work hard and keep your Grade Point Average high. Additionally, strive to perfect your critical thinking, communication and writing skills.

4. Study and Intern

The three main cities in the United States that house most of the entertainment lawyers are Los Angeles, New York and Nashville. You should apply for internships in the industry in the city you hope to work in. Additionally, if possible, attend law school in that same city.

5. Glitz and Glamour

While some entertainment lawyers do spend their time brushing elbows with celebrities, there are also many who do not. Head into the profession with realistic expectations. Depending upon which aspect of entertainment law you choose to pursue, your days may be spent reviewing contracts rather than lunching with stars.

Entertainment law encompasses many types of entertainment and law, and aspiring lawyers should understand this before pursuing a career in it. If you understand the complexity of the industry and work hard, there’s a good chance you can succeed as an entertainment lawyer.

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