
Put Behind The Hard Times And Cut a Cake For New Beginnings


A dull mood or a happy one; a party mood or a retirement one it all calls and sums up only after the cake cutting ceremony. Call it excuses or rituals, but a cake is that incessant must-have of any and all reasons to celebrate that make our life more meaningful and love-able. 2020 has been the year of getting rid of stereotypes and broadly saying cakes too are restricted to happy days only. Let’s bring about a revolution in the cake-eating ways as well and remove these hurdles and restrictions that kick in, in the name of cakes. Here’s to eating cake on any God forbidden unlikely happening of our life. Less to celebrate but more to empower yourself to conquer over the mishap, you should order cake online in Chennai and cut it to challenge the tough time and promise to work harder and achieve what you want.

Let’s pledge to celebrate moments not necessarily happy but still deserving—a motivational cake cutting.

A job change

It’s a thing being in our comfort one and not wanting to step out of the set ways in our life. But as you know, tough times call for tough measures, hence its time for you to move out of the regular space and step in the challenging more opportunistic world. Do it with a blast and make a statement of your everlasting performance. Cut a cake before you step out of old shoes and promise to work better and harder.

A breakup

Songs have been dedicated to the sad breakup stories of people. Bollywood practically makes a living out of people’s breakup stories; you can at least cut a cake for yourselves. Not to celebrate the letting go of your loved one but rejoicing and cheering to the blessed time you two once shared. And thank the person that made your life extravagant and beautiful for whatever time they could. Wish each other luck and cut a cake to embark on a new journey together.

Moving out to your new home

Going out of your home where you have lived under your parent’s guidance, and friend’s support system, it’s time to make it on your own in the real world. It is a happy occasion if you see it with one perspective, but it can be relatively stringent to do at first.  And if you’re upgrading from an apartment to a house, you might consider hiring a moving company. Even if it includes moving your beloved pets.You will know for yourself once you are out there but till then don’t leave your moment and seize this new chapter of your life with cake cutting.

Dropping out of college

Deciding on this one, you will see fewer people backing you up. It’s right where you need a cake cutting ceremony to gather all the people who care for you and have taken a step back with your decision to drop out. Gather them all and as you cut the cake, share your plan with a well-drafted curriculum and help them believe in you once again. Doing the unusual, you are habitual to be scared a teensy bit you are possibly afraid of what’s coming next and that where you need your people back on board.

Not achieving something you manifested

Not every time in life, everything goes precisely on the path and as planned. It’s likely to drift a bit from the gallery of righteousness. In times like these, you can watch yourself losing time and giving in to the all-mighty powers that decide your fate. To tighten back the rope, you have to get back in power and cutting a cake will give you that strength to reignite the fire within and fight back with double the strength. You have it all just figure it out.

Motivation is not an outside force but the insight of what your soul is capable of you. All the power to you and your ambitions, begin a new chapter with cake cutting.

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